mayo 27, 2009

The best in my area

One of the most important psychologist is Wundt, called the "father of scientific psychology".
Wilhelm Wundt was born on august 16th, 1832 at Neckarau, Baden. Wundt founded one of the first formal laboratories for psychological research. This was a precedent for psychology like science.
Wundt thought that mental processes are an extension of physiological processes. But we cannot fall in a mistaken though saying that Wundt`s investigation only are refer on individual ´cuz he wrote around 20 volumes of "Psychology of communityes".

I like Wundt ´cuz he is the father of the psychology like science and all the later development of this area. Why psychology must be science it`s an eternal discussion, but personally I think that mind born of biology, so we can understand it from a biological paradigm. Obviously, in this moment we haven`t the tools for understand the mind from biology, but I trust that in a closer future this can be possible.

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